Enjoy watching visitors to the feeders near Wehr’s visitor center on this 24-hour livestream. Cardinals, chickadees, goldfinch, woodpeckers, blue jays, and many other “feeder” birds can be viewed year-round, and you can glimpse red-winged blackbirds, rose-breasted grosbeaks, and other migrants in spring and summer. The camera is equipped with night vision, so watch for raccoons, flying squirrels, and other mammals sneaking an evening snack!
We believe that everyone deserves access to nature, including individuals who can’t visit Wehr in person. This Feeder Cam allows people anywhere in the world to connect to nature and enjoy the beauty of Wehr’s wildlife.
Our FeederCam was purchased through a generous donation from the Rockstad family in memory of Dean Rockstad. Dean, a longtime volunteer, Friends of Wehr board member, and donor, was a great friend to Wehr in life and we’re proud to celebrate his legacy of service through this live stream portal.
Dean, Pictured Right
Bird food and feeders are provided by Wild Birds Unlimited-Milwaukee (WBU). Visit them at:
Thank you to WBU and everyone who actively contributes in keeping our feeders full!
On-going funds and technical support for this livestream are provided by the Friends of Wehr Nature Center. Please help us keep the project going through a donation or Friends of Wehr membership.
Friends of Wehr is a 2000+ member organization with over 300 active volunteers dedicated to sustaining and advocating for Wehr Nature Center.
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