Words from our Wehr Community - Former Interns

May 10, 2024

Words from our Wehr Community - Past Interns

Read how Wehr has had an impact on the lives of past interns.

"I really enjoyed leading the bird walks around the lake for Wehr volunteers.  I helped with the Owl Prowl as an intern and then returned to help with that program a couple of times in the following years.  One night I was blessed to be standing in the dark with my group, looking up at an Eastern Screech-Owl calling from ten feet above our heads!  That memory has always stuck with me.  My experiences with Wehr, and particularly Howard Aprill, enabled me to find work as a tour driver in Denali National Park which in turn opened the door to teaching at the collegiate level.  The people at Wehr/NIP always were always passionate about what they did and their attitude about learning more about the natural world around them was infectious."

Chad H. - 1997-1998 Internship at Wehr followed by some work with NIP

"During my summer as an intern, we did a few programs at the Sharon Lynn Wilson Center. It was great playing and exploring the center with those children! In fact, nowadays I bring my daughter (1.5 years) there all the time! And of course, I plan to walk around the nature center with her this summer."

Jessica M. - Summer 2014

"When it comes to a family within a workplace, I consider Wehr as the ultimate example. I was given a home during a summer of sickness and hardships. It is because of this that when I look back upon that summer, all I can think of are the amazing and joyful memories with Wehr. One that particularly stands out to me was my very first day on the job when I arrived early to join the group for the typical morning observational hike. I got to listen to and experience years and years of nature knowledge from retired professionals and avid amateurs alike. Everyone had their niche, and I could truly feel the natural camaraderie as old-timers both helped new members and learned from them simultaneously. As one of these new members, I knew to listen closely! I was encouraged to download the app Seek, I was taught the differences between each trillium, and most importantly I was reminded that I didn't have to be a professional to explore nature. As I have switched career paths into medicine, I find that so much of my time at Wehr sticks with me in the decisions I make along this path. No matter where I end up, I will still be the girl staring at the birds in the sky or whipping out her phone to try and identify a new plant species!"

Rachel G. - Summer Intern 2022

"Wehr has been a blessing to me in many ways.  I interned there in undergrad and first learned to love the land and the natural communities represented.  Then as my children were growing we spent time exploring the nature center even more.  And now, as a professor of biology and environmental science, I have been able to point my students to Wehr as a location to do projects or find internships.  Thank you Wehr!"

Angela E. - Past Intern

"My summer spent as an intern at Wehr was easily the best in my life. Everyday I learned something new and got the chance to work with an amazing team! My internship helped me realize my passion for working with youth and was a big factor in me deciding to become a science teacher. I can't say enough good things! Thank you to everyone at the nature center for changing my life!"

Chris C. - 2018

"Wehr sparked my love for Environmental Education. After my internship following my freshman year of college, I knew it was the career path I wanted to go down. I graduated with a degree in Environmental Education in Spring 2019! Bev, Emily, Howard, and Ken were wonderful mentors during my internship and helped me grow a lot. I still visit the center often and take hikes whenever I need a bit of grounding."

Nicole L. - Summer 2015


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